
Souper Kitchen

The first brick-and-mortar kitchen of celebrated local take-out Smartsoup, Souper Kitchen serves a variety of traditional, holistic and nourishing soups featuring the finest ingredients. Savour Chinese herbal culture with ginseng, yuzhu, wolfberry, chicken maw, and more hearty and soothing soups made to order. Healthy steamed rice sets offer more tastes of home.

提供網上外賣服務多年的靚湯工房首次於 Eaton Foodhall 開設實體店-靚湯廚房,方便更多客人享用它們的湯品。新店提供多款燉湯、老火湯及特色湯水以供選擇,包括滋陰養顏的沙參玉竹圓肉杞子花膠燉雞湯、活血行氣的川芎當歸香菇瘦肉湯、養心安神的螺頭百合杞子牛蒡粟米甘筍陳皮山斑魚煲瘦肉湯及肉骨茶等,另外每日也有不同的健康蒸飯套餐選擇,讓客人在外也能品嚐家的味道。