Flower Years 花樣年華
Eaton Foodhall’s bar features a wide selection of local craft beers, gourmet burgers and snacks in an indoor/outdoor setting. This hub occupies a prime location in the food hall, adjacent to Eaton’s radio station and facing the outdoor Astor Plaza.
酒店的特色酒吧Flower Years位于FoodHall的优越位置,毗邻Eaton电台及面向户外的Astor Plaza,让宾客在室内或户外享用手工调配的鸡尾酒。除了特制主题鸡尾酒,Flower Years也带来香港、韩国、日本、越南等地的精选亚洲手工啤酒,同时呈献多款创新菜色,完美配搭手工啤酒和鸡尾酒,更会邀请客席大厨驻场,炮制创意实验料理。
Hours of Operation 营业时间:
12pm-12am 下午12时至上午12时
Daily Happy Hour午后微醺时光: 5pm-7pm 每日下午5时至下午7时